Fertility Excellence for 25 Years

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss/Miscarriage

5000 Happy Parents Have Trusted Dr Mona Dahiya’s 25+ years of fertility expertise in making parenthood dreams a reality.

What is Recurrent Pregnancy Loss/Miscarriage?

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) is a distressing condition that affects many couples in Noida and around the world. It refers to the occurrence of three or more consecutive miscarriages before 20 weeks of gestation. RPL can be emotionally and physically challenging, often leading couples to seek answers, tests, and treatment options. In Noida, as in many other places, medical professionals offer a range of diagnostic tests and treatment options to address RPL. we will delve into the types of tests, treatment options, their success rates, and the associated costs in Noida.

Types of Tests for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss in Noida

Before undergoing treatment, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes of recurrent pregnancy loss. Various tests can help diagnose these causes, including:

  1. Blood Tests: A comprehensive blood panel can reveal hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, and blood clotting disorders that may contribute to RPL.
  2. Chromosomal Analysis: This involves examining both partners’ chromosomes to identify any genetic abnormalities that could be passed on to the fetus.
  3. Hysterosalpingography (HSG): An X-ray procedure that checks for abnormalities in the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, such as fibroids or polyps.
  4. Transvaginal Ultrasound: This imaging technique helps identify structural issues in the uterus, such as uterine septum or adhesions.
  5. Endometrial Biopsy: A tissue sample is taken from the uterine lining to assess its receptivity for implantation.
  6. Thrombophilia Screening: To check for blood clotting disorders that may hinder blood flow to the placenta.
  7. Immunological Testing: Evaluates the presence of autoimmune disorders that can affect pregnancy.
  8. Infectious Disease Testing: Screening for infections like rubella or cytomegalovirus, which can lead to miscarriages.

Types of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Treatment in Noida

Once the underlying cause of RPL is identified, treatment options can be tailored to address the specific issues. Some common treatment approaches in Noida include:

  1. Hormone Therapy: For hormonal imbalances, hormone replacement therapy or supplements may be prescribed.
  2. Surgery: Surgical interventions may be necessary to correct anatomical abnormalities like fibroids, polyps, or uterine septum.
  3. Anticoagulant Therapy: If blood clotting disorders are detected, medications like heparin or aspirin can help improve blood flow to the placenta.
  4. Immunosuppressive Therapy: For autoimmune disorders, medications to suppress the immune response may be prescribed.
  5. In vitro Fertilization (IVF): In cases of unexplained RPL, IVF with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can be used to select embryos with normal chromosomes before implantation.
  6. Counseling and Support: Emotional support and counseling are crucial aspects of RPL treatment in Noida, helping couples cope with the psychological toll of repeated miscarriages.

Success Rate of Treatments for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss in Noida

The success rates of RPL treatments in Noida can vary significantly depending on the underlying cause and the chosen treatment method. For instance, hormone therapy and surgery may yield favorable results when hormonal imbalances or anatomical issues are to blame. However, success rates for more complex conditions such as genetic abnormalities or autoimmune disorders can be more challenging to predict.

In general, couples in Noida have reported varying degrees of success in their RPL treatments. Some may achieve a successful pregnancy after addressing the underlying cause, while others may continue to face challenges. The success of treatment also depends on factors like the age of the woman, the number of previous miscarriages, and the overall health of both partners.

How Much Do Treatments for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Cost in Noida?

The cost of RPL treatments in Noida can vary widely, depending on the specific tests and treatments required. Generally, diagnostic tests can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of rupees. For example, a blood panel or ultrasound may be on the lower end of the cost spectrum, while genetic testing or specialized procedures like HSG may be more expensive.

Treatment costs also vary significantly. Hormone therapy and counseling sessions may be relatively affordable, while surgeries and assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF can be substantially more expensive, potentially reaching lakhs of rupees.

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Treatment Options

Dr Mona Dahiya offers a diverse range of advanced infertility treatments tailored to individual needs. From IVF and IUI to fertility preservation, a comprehensive spectrum of options ensures personalized care for every patient.

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Patient testimonials from Our Satisfied Patients is a testimony of our assurance and confidence that reflects Dr Mona Dahiya’s excellence and compassionate approach. Our Satisfied patients are a testimony of our assurance and confidence.


We prioritize deep understanding and empathy toward each patient’s emotional journey. We provide a supportive environment where concerns are heard and anxieties are eased for emotional Well-being.

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We are proud of our success stories of Couples who have undergone infertility treatment. Our stories not only inspire hope but also exemplify our proficiency in turning dreams of parenthood into reality.

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Recognizing that every patient is unique, Dr. Mona Dahiya crafts personalized treatment plans. We consider medical history and individual circumstances to Guide Tailor Made Infertility Treatment Options.

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    Benefits of Treatments for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) is a heartbreaking experience that can take an emotional and physical toll on couples. However, there is hope, as medical advancements have led to various treatments that offer several potential benefits:

    1. Increased Chance of Successful Pregnancy: The primary goal of RPL treatments is to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. By addressing underlying causes such as hormonal imbalances, anatomical abnormalities, or genetic issues, treatments can enhance the likelihood of carrying a pregnancy to term and welcoming a healthy baby into the world.
    1. Improved Emotional Well-being: Experiencing multiple miscarriages can lead to profound emotional distress. RPL treatments can provide emotional relief by offering hope and optimism. Successfully achieving a pregnancy can alleviate anxiety, depression, and the grief associated with recurrent losses, promoting overall emotional well-being.
    1. Identification and Resolution of Underlying Issues: RPL treatments involve comprehensive diagnostic tests that help pinpoint the specific cause of recurrent miscarriages. This targeted approach allows for tailored treatment plans that directly address the identified issues. Resolving these underlying problems not only improves pregnancy outcomes but also provides couples with a sense of closure and understanding.
    1. Enhanced Family Planning: Couples who have faced recurrent pregnancy loss often put their family planning on hold due to the uncertainty and fear of further losses. Successful RPL treatments empower couples to move forward with their family-building goals with confidence. This can include expanding their family and achieving the desired number of children.
    1. Psychological Support: RPL treatments typically involve counseling and emotional support. This helps couples cope with the trauma of previous losses and the anxieties associated with attempting another pregnancy. Psychological support is an integral part of the treatment process, promoting mental resilience and well-being.

    Risks of Treatments for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    While RPL treatments offer significant benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and complications associated with these interventions:

    1. Side Effects of Medications: Some RPL treatments may involve the use of medications, such as hormone therapies or immunosuppressants. These medications can have side effects, including mood swings, weight gain, and nausea. It’s essential for patients to be informed about potential side effects and to discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider.
    2. Surgical Risks: Surgical interventions, such as the removal of uterine fibroids or correction of uterine septum, carry inherent surgical risks. These risks can include infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related complications. Patients should discuss these risks with their surgeon and ensure that the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.
    3. Emotional Stress: While RPL treatments aim to alleviate emotional distress, the process itself can be emotionally taxing. The uncertainty of treatment outcomes and the fear of facing another loss can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety. It’s important for couples to seek emotional support during their treatment journey.
    4. Financial Costs: The costs associated with RPL treatments can be substantial, especially in cases that require advanced procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or genetic testing. Couples should carefully consider the financial implications and explore options for insurance coverage or financial assistance.
    5. No Guarantee of Success: Despite the best efforts of medical professionals, RPL treatments do not guarantee a successful pregnancy. Success rates vary depending on individual factors and the underlying causes of recurrent miscarriages. It’s crucial for couples to approach treatment with realistic expectations and to be prepared for potential setbacks.

    Why Choose Dr. Mona Dahiya for Miscarriage Treatments in Noida?

    Dr. Mona Dahiya is a renowned and highly respected specialist in the field of reproductive medicine and gynecology, making her an excellent choice for RPL treatments in Noida. Here are several compelling reasons to consider Dr. Mona Dahiya for your reproductive health needs:

    1. Expertise and Experience: Dr. Mona Dahiya brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the field of reproductive medicine. With years of specialized training and clinical practice, she has a deep understanding of the complexities of RPL and the latest advancements in treatment options.
    2. Compassionate Care: Dr. Mona Dahiya is known for her compassionate and patient-centered approach to care. She understands the emotional challenges that couples face when dealing with RPL and provides empathetic support throughout the treatment journey.
    3. Comprehensive Diagnostic Approach: Dr. Mona Dahiya emphasizes a thorough and comprehensive diagnostic approach to identify the underlying causes of recurrent pregnancy loss accurately. This precision allows for tailored treatment plans that address the specific issues at play.
    4. Access to Advanced Treatment Options: Dr. Mona Dahiya is well-equipped to offer a wide range of advanced treatment options, including assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, genetic testing, and minimally invasive surgical procedures. Her access to cutting-edge techniques enhances the likelihood of successful outcomes.
    5. Holistic Care: Dr. Mona Dahiya believes in a holistic approach to reproductive health, addressing not only the physical aspects but also the emotional and psychological well-being of her patients. Her commitment to holistic care ensures that couples receive comprehensive support throughout their journey.

    Common Queries

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Dr. Mona Dahiya is a highly respected specialist in the field of reproductive medicine and gynecology, making her an excellent choice for the treatment of recurrent miscarriage. However, the “best” doctor may vary depending on individual circumstances and location. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider who specializes in recurrent pregnancy loss for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

    Treatment for recurrent pregnancy loss involves identifying and addressing the underlying causes. This may include hormonal therapy, surgery to correct anatomical issues, anticoagulant therapy for blood clotting disorders, and emotional support through counseling. The specific treatment plan will depend on the individual’s diagnosis and medical history.

    In some cases, in vitro fertilization (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can be beneficial for recurrent miscarriage. PGT allows for the selection of embryos with normal chromosomes before implantation, reducing the risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities. However, the suitability of IVF depends on the underlying causes of recurrent miscarriage and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

    Yes, it is possible to have a successful pregnancy after experiencing four miscarriages. The likelihood of a successful pregnancy may vary depending on the underlying causes of the miscarriages. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider who specializes in recurrent pregnancy loss to determine the best course of action and treatment options.

    The main treatable causes of recurrent miscarriage include hormonal imbalances, anatomical abnormalities in the uterus (such as fibroids or uterine septum), blood clotting disorders, autoimmune disorders, and genetic abnormalities. Identifying the specific cause through diagnostic tests is essential for tailored treatment.

    After experiencing two miscarriages in a row, it’s advisable to seek medical evaluation from a specialist in recurrent pregnancy loss. Diagnostic tests can help identify any underlying causes, and a personalized treatment plan can be developed. Emotional support and counseling can also be beneficial during this challenging time.

    Whether to try again after three miscarriages is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider. It’s essential to undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying causes of the miscarriages and discuss treatment options. Some couples may choose to try again with appropriate medical guidance, while others may explore alternative paths to parenthood.

    The recommended waiting period after recurrent miscarriage can vary depending on individual circumstances and medical advice. Some healthcare providers suggest waiting for at least one menstrual cycle before attempting another pregnancy, while others may recommend a longer interval to allow for physical and emotional recovery. It’s crucial to discuss the appropriate timing with a healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcome for future pregnancies.

    Blood tests for recurrent miscarriage may include checking hormone levels (such as progesterone and thyroid hormones), assessing for autoimmune disorders (like antiphospholipid antibodies), and evaluating blood clotting factors (e.g., Factor V Leiden mutation) to identify potential underlying causes of recurrent pregnancy loss.

    Recurrent Pregnancy Loss